What Is the Purpose of Messianic Jewish Marriage? – Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling Devotional - January
Introduction to Messianic Jewish Counseling for Couples
Meditazioni Guidate sulla Tora' - Conteggio dell Omer verso Shavuot
Shalom e benedizioni in Moshiach Yeshua, Ogni Domenica alle 19
Machaseh shel Tikvah Giving Circle Supporting the Jewish Community in Israel a Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Rifugio della Speranza) per il Counseling Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling New Year New Social Services for all of our family and friends Counseling Seminar Victory over Anxiety. When: 8 March 2021/ 17.30 (Italy) Time: 18.30 PM (Israel Time) Guest Speaker: DMachaseh shel Tikvah Giving Circle
Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Rifugio della Speranza) per il Counseling Festeggiamo il nostro Primo Anno con Voi!
Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling Our First Year 2021 Your Year End Offering - Machaseh Shel Tikvah!
New Year New Social Services for all of our family and friends at Village of Hope & Justice Ministry
Counseling Seminar Victory over Anxiety