Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling
Our First Year 2021
Your Year-End Offering to Machaseh Shel Tikvah
Fundraising Charity Online Event
Your generous contributions make a difference!
Shalom beloved ones,
On December 24, 2021, at our Fire Side Shabbat Service, also at our Kadima Project Erev Shabbat Service with families and children from 3 to 12 years old at Village of Hope & Justice Ministry USA headquarters, we have announced that your generous donation to Village of Hope & Justice Ministry (Non-Profit) based in the USA, and Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling, can change the lives of many orphans and widows in Israel through the support of our Kadima Project and its first fruit Devash Magazine.
Your offer this year 2021 represents a year-end campaign for all donations received from December 24 through December 31, 2021. Your donation will contribute to saving lives of orphans and widows in need, children living in poverty and absence of basic needs, and a godly Messianic Jewish Education, through your exact distance adoption of one or more orphans in Israel, supporting their lives and their Messianic Jewish Education with our newly started Heder Malva Italia Hebrew School in partnership with an Israeli Messianic Jewish School in Israel.
We are praying to reach $ 200,000 to adopt as many orphans and children in need in Israel, give them a place to live and be fed with His Torah of Truth, with a curriculum suitable for them, printing and sending our Devash Magazine to as many orphans and children as possible in Israel and the nations, supporting their studies in a Messianic Jewish School in Israel and develop a standard curriculum that is used at Heder Malva Italia in Italy, Israel and the nations.
That means every dollar you give until the end of the year will be a child’s life redemption through your faithful support in prayer and finances from now until we reach that $200,000 threshold.
We have had an extraordinary response in the seven days since the announcement.
Why have so many responded to our appeal to help grow our non-profit organization?
The answer is simple: The love of Mashiach Yeshua for the little ones, as He said: Matthew 25:40 ” 40 The King will say to them, `Yes! I tell you that whenever you did these things for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did them for me! CJB Version
Our beloved one, we are called to be stewards to the next generation of messianic leaders in Israel and the diaspora until our last breath, through our servanthood, obedience to Hashem’s instructions, His Torah, our unity in the Ruach Ha-Kodesh, our kingship, His love and compassion that can only be proven through our Messiah Yeshua’s sacrifice for us, who gave His life upon that cross that day, when we were still sinners. We did not deserve His love. Our Abba redeemed us to be His light to nations from Israel as it is in heaven.
We know who we are, who we belong and who we follow, or Rabbi Yeshua, the Way, Truth, and Light that breaks all chains in us, heals and delivers us from our past sinful lives. You also can be the answer to prayer today, supporting us as a trustworthy social change agent, a talmid of Rabbi Yeshua; this answer will come from the bottom of your heart to the children of Israel in the Name of our Messiah, who was who is to come.
One day, we will be accountable before the throne of Hashem, and we will want to hear those words from Hashem as written in Matthew 25:23: ” His master said to him, ‘Excellent! You are a good and trustworthy servant. You have been faithful with a small amount, so that I will put you in charge of a large amount. Come and join in your master’s happiness!’ CJB
Through your partnership, we can change lives of orphans and widows in Israel, build together Shelters of Hope for Counseling, Villages of Hope & Justice, Malva Italia Foster Home for orphans in Yeshua’s Name, in Israel and become the answer to the prayer of our beloved little ones awaiting for our lovely and tangible answer to their prayer. May His will be done in your life as it is in heaven today so that you will become part of His fantastic redemption plan of His people Israel. In Mashiach's Name, Amen.
If you wish to help with a translation in Spanish, Italian, and other languages of our Devash Magazine, please write to us at We always welcome faithful volunteers like you to work for the shekinah of Hashem in the Name of Yeshua, Amen.
May this new year 2022 be a testimony of biblical truth for all, redemption in Yeshua HaMashiach, the Torah of Truth, may the message of the kingdom be spread to the next generation as powerful as Hashem only can.
We're almost there, our beloved one!
Our next step as a non-profit organization must be to extend our reach and make our message easier to access by expanding our digital capability. One of the ways we're accomplishing this is through virtual Machaseh Shel Tikvah Messianic Biblical Counseling Services and Courses participation.
Our Next Step
Testing proprietary systems for meetings to be held online.
The demand for Machaseh Shel Tikvah Counseling Services, Heder Malva Italia Hebrew School, Kadima Project for Families, and Devash Magazine to be conducted online and distributed via email every week has grown exponentially since our world went on lockdown two years ago. Our focus and vision for the future of Machaseh Shel Tikvah remain on in-person Machaseh Shel Tikvah Counseling Social Services and Counseling Projects. However, we know many people are missing out on the opportunity to study Messianic Jewish Counseling through the Bible Meditation and Messianic Bible Studies from a Messianic Jewish perspective with other disciples due to constraints from government, health concerns, and other limitations. Thus, with Hashem's help, we plan to develop a proprietary system for the Village of Hope & Justice Ministry family whom Machaseh Shel Tikvah is part of through the Kadima Project, held online.
Please prayerfully consider a generous donation to assist us in making Machaseh Shel Tikvah and our Counseling and Social Services, Kadima Project with Devash Magazine accessible to even more orphans and widows, children and their families in Israel and the nations.
Take advantage of the opportunity to double your gift from now until the end of 2021.
All donations are secure and tax-deductible.
Together, we are changing the world by advancing the message of the kingdom of heaven, a promise of what is to come. Would you please keep our ministry, congregations, and leaders in your prayers?
Compassion, Grace from Yeshua and His Shalom may reach your family, this we pray, in Yeshua’s Name, Amen
Machaseh Shel Tikvah Admin Office
P.S. Another way to support us and receive unique benefits is by signing up to become a VOHJM Friend. Please find out how you can partner with us here.
Machaseh Shel Tikvah (Shelter of Hope) for Counseling Services:
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