Messianic Jewish Devotional on Parashat Shemot for Couples

Title: Trusting Ad-nai Together in the Journey of Marriage

“But Moses said to G-d, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring Bnei-Yisrael out of Egypt?’ Yet G-d said, ‘I will surely be with you.’” (Exodus 3:11-12)


Marriage is a sacred covenant, a reflection of G-d’s faithfulness to Israel and Messiah Yeshua’s love for His bride. In Parashat Shemot, we see Israel in bondage, yet Ad-nai is already at work, preparing for their redemption. Likewise, in marriage, we encounter struggles, but G-d is always present, guiding us toward healing and strength.

In this devotional, let’s explore three themes from Shemot that can strengthen and deepen our marriages:

Trusting G-d Together in Difficult Seasons

Supporting Each Other in Our Callings

Speaking Life into Our Spouse

I. Trusting G-d Together in Difficult Seasons

Exodus 2:23-25“The Israelites groaned under their bondage and cried out, and their cry for help from their slavery went up to G-d. G-d heard their groaning, and He remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.”

The Israelites endured suffering in Egypt, but their cries did not go unnoticed—Ad-nai heard them. In marriage, we also go through seasons of hardship—financial struggles, family tensions, health challenges—but G-d is always listening.


Instead of facing trials alone, bring your struggles before G-d together in prayer.

Remember that G-d is a covenant-keeping G-d—He will not abandon you in your struggles.

Question to Reflect On: What is one challenge in your marriage where you need to trust G-d more?

Prayer: “Ad-nai, in times of difficulty, help us trust in You together. Strengthen our faith as a couple and remind us that You are always listening.”

II. Supporting Each Other in Our Callings

Exodus 4:10-12“Moses said to Ad-nai, ‘Please, Lord, I have never been a man of words... I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.’ So Ad-nai said to him, ‘Who made man's mouth? ... Now go! I will be with your mouth and teach you what to say.’”

Moses doubted his ability to fulfill G-d’s calling, but G-d assured him that he was not alone. In marriage, one spouse may struggle with self-doubt, while the other can encourage and uplift them.


Speak encouragement over your spouse. Remind them of G-d’s calling in their life.

When your spouse struggles with self-doubt, be their biggest supporter.

Question to Reflect On: How can I better support my spouse in their G-d-given calling?

Prayer: “Abba, help me to be a source of encouragement for my spouse. Let my words build them up and remind them of Your purpose for their life.”

III. Speaking Life into Our Spouse

Exodus 3:14“G-d said to Moses, ‘Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh’ (I AM WHO I AM).”

G-d’s name, “I AM WHO I AM,” speaks of His eternal faithfulness. Just as G-d affirmed Moses’ mission, we are called to speak words of life into our spouse.


Words have power—bless your spouse daily with words of encouragement.

Avoid negative words that tear down. Instead, remind your spouse of their G-d-given worth.

Question to Reflect On: What is one positive thing I can say to my spouse today to strengthen them?

Prayer: “Ad-nai, may my words always bring life to my spouse. Help me to affirm them in love, just as You affirm us in Your promises.”

Conclusion: Strengthening the Marriage Covenant

Parashat Shemot reminds us that G-d hears, redeems, and leads. In marriage, when we:
Trust G-d together in trials,
Support one another’s calling,
Speak life into each other, and our covenant becomes stronger.

This week’s challenge:

Take five minutes each day to pray together as a couple.

Find one specific way to encourage your spouse in their calling.

Speak one word of blessing over your spouse every morning.

Shabbat Shalom! May your marriage reflect the redemption, love, and faithfulness of Ad-nai!